Twitter Tweets

Celebrity Tweets You Missed Today – 25-06-2018

Dalai Lama‏ I am one of the 7 billion human beings alive today. We each have a responsibility to think about humanity and the good...
Padman Chalenge

It’s raining challenges on social media

Life is all about taking up challenges, and that applies to the virtual world too. Social media has never been short of new and interesting challenges,...

Study: 8% of Americans Get Their News on Twitter

BY LORENZO FRANCESCHI-BICCHIERAINOV 04, 2013 A new study reveals that 8% of Americans get their news on Twitter — people who are younger, more educated and more mobile...

U.S. Social Media Users Get 65% of News on Just One Social Network

Americans are on multiple social media networks and 35% of them get news on more than one, leading to fragmentation of news gathering through...

30% of Americans Get Their News on Facebook.

A new study reveals that 30% of Americans get their news on Facebook, and suggests that the social network drives people to media sites who...